Wednesday 30 November 2011

Yeah,this is life.

Hallo followers and silent readers , I have allergies and it worse.It painful and prevented me from doing anything that causes it to become worse. I am suffer from this ECZEMA. I don t know if I am doing anything wrong to anyone , in other words sin. I am very sorry to anyone that I ever hurt or disappoint you. I felt like betrayed by my own body. I never became as strong as this, but I sometimes like giving up.You know I am a girl,and I never be forever strong.I always cry but not in front of my family,because it is look like I am GIVING UP.Even deep in my heart I GAVE UP.  It is still far I have to face life,but Im glad I still have my mother who always being supported , and my sister that always love me and buy me cotton candy and dad also provide financial support for medical. If I am not given the opportunity to recover I advise you all to appreciate what is given by God even it is unsound for you,because there million more people who are less fortunate . 

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Finally !

Hallo followers ans silent reader.Actually silent reader is a stalker right.LOL.I dont wanna be that rude to call you stalker,so I decided to called you silent reader.Okay,I just wanna tell you all my reader that final exam is going to finish and its the end of the year.Woooahhh...why too fast.Okay guys I dunno which one I fell the most,excited or just scared of next year.Guyyy ! how could you didt know,next year is my big EXAMINATION year ! Its only PMR but you know every mother want the best from her kids.And as usual my mom put very big HOPE on me.Her only daughter that wear the school uniform.Firstly,I decided to go to private school,but thinking of my special friend are in Munshi,so I just stay hostel.MUNSHI HOSTEL !!

I stopped mood suddenly bad!

Friday 2 September 2011

Happy Eid Mubarak

Hello my followers and silent reader,how are you today guy?how your eid.Im here to say Happy Eid Mubarak to you guy that keep updates my blog. Today is fifth eid but Im doing nothing. Nobody come to my house and I dont come to my friend house. And these a girl who really made me pissed off ,and also her brother. Yuckk,that sound very disgusthing. Thinking of this Monday,ohh man school!! I really need more holiday.tak apa sekejap sahaja lagi akhir tahun then form 3. PMR !!!!! Im not ready yet. Speaking about next year,dad promise me to register me at International Boarding Girl School at Sepang. I really cant wait so excited. Okay tiba tiba hilang pulak mood nak blogging tak tahu nak ckp apa lagi dah.home work semua tk siap sekian!! Toddless

Sunday 14 August 2011

Free now

Hallo my followers and silent reader ! Okay benda yang rahsia ni aku dah test dah pagi tadi. Alhamdulillah, negative! Segala resah dan risau hilang.Good.So , sekrang ni aku dah habis exam dah.And after this nak focuskan kepada FINAL EXAM. okay tu paling cuak,sebab ada streaming.Nak tentukan aku masuk kelas apa masa Form 3 nnti.Aku harap kalau kau dapat kelas pertama balik.Aku tak lupa diri macam orang tu kan kan ? Tapi kau nak stay di kelas yang sama,sebab kalau aku masuk kelas first peluang aku nak dpat Top 5 setiap kali exam amatlah tipis.Tu yang tk nk tu.Tapi tahun depan,PMR tu yang buat aku nak terkencing sekarang.

Sekarang ni aku amat impikan handphone touchscreen.#sangatsangatmengidam!!
Kakak aku dah beli iPhone,Blackberry,Galaxy,Glaxy Tab sorang satu.Aku ni> HARAM JADAH. satu hape punn tak dpat.sedih lahh.Mama kata tunggu exam dapat bagus-bagus nanti mama belikan alamatnya aku kena kumpul duit lah.Nak tunggu mak aku sampai PMR pun dpat aku rasa.Sbab aku dah bg yang terbaik exam kan,dia kata nak yang baikkk lagi.aku dah bagi yang baikkk dah,dia kata nak yang terbaikkkk lagi pulak.Sampai lebam!Tu yang aku agak KECIK HATI .Kakak aku dpat masuk U pun dia belikan,kalau mcm tu aku ni naik Form 3 belikan DSLR bole ? Sepatah haram aku nak sebut DSLR kat mak kau pun mampus nnti.Handphone ni pun nak ungkit2 balik.benci ahh

Sunday 17 July 2011

Good Day

Hallo followers and silent readers,at last I can online with lappy.This is all my sister false.Blame her,okay!Not me.I am starving now,can't wait for tonight.My dad will bring us to dinner.Now mum,sis and dad wanna rest.Baru balik dari kampunglah.So this 24th July.I dont know who gonna accompany me.

Feel no mood to blog.sorry

Friday 15 July 2011

Weekender ~_~

Hari yang cukup indah.Apa lagi buat apa pun cuma main game je,yup,tk study.even my exam is on this coming month.Takut jugak,mama kata kalau tk buat elok-elok mama ambil handphone.tak sukanya.So kene lah buat yang terbaik!!sekarang kita dah rajin,keeja sekolah semua mcm dululahh kann.banggalah tu.boleh buatlah jangan risau.

Asrul dah kene sound dengan Epul pasal dia buat hal tulah.Barulah puas hati aku.Kalau tak mmg semua perempuan jadi mangsa kau kan,Asrul.Okay,tutup cerita ni,tk boleh lebih-lebih nnti lain jadinya.Hari ni mama kata nak balik kampung,tk nak ikut nnti bosan duduk rumah,ikut lagi lah bosan.Baru ingat,Epul akan dapat adik lagi.Mak dia pregnant,tk percaya ohh.Apa pun congrats aunty.

Sekarang tengah main game,tapi kene tunggu 3 minit nak collect money.Siapalah manusia yang ajar aku main game ni kan.Sampai aku pun mengadap lappy je.Jangan risau homework akan buat jugak sbb sikit je,semua dah buat kat school,semua benda aku buat last minutes je nanti.Sumapah buat.Tk tipu punya.

Okaylah,dah tak tahu nak ckp apa lagi,jgn paksalah,rosak mood cuti aku nnti !

P/S: kalau nak baca post ni higlight kan tempat yang kosong.Thankss

Friday 8 July 2011


Semalam punya semalam ada Carnival kat sekolah.I've enjoy it.Lama dah tk update kan kan.Okay then,there was a ghost house so aku masuk dua kali dengan Leily Dayana.The first time masuk dua orang je dengan Leily takut weh,ye lah kan first time.Second time dengan Hijjah sekali.Tak takut sangat dah,so kitaorang kena kan hantu yang ada dalam ghost house tu.Ckp lah macam-macam.BHAHa.Kelakar lahh.Then baru je tadi mama balik kampung sorang,harap di selamat lah.Macam dah tk ada mod lah.Kbye